Greece is a country where antiquities are on every step: Athens, Delphi, Thebes, and Meteora; rock monasteries and the holy Mount Athos. There are also great beaches, a clean sea, picturesque islands, and spa hotels. In this country, you have to enjoy the food and wine, the sea and the midday heat, communicating with residents and nature, antiquities and quiet, discos and fun. All in one trip!

Winter guests in Greece are waiting for comfortable warm weather, a lack of summer "overflow" of tourists, a huge number of attractions, and a well-developed tourist infrastructure. Moreover, in winter there are no "fur coat tours". Beautiful nature and an opportunity to spend a wonderful holiday on one of the most beautiful islands in the country, Rhodes, are also available in winter. Moreover, the prices of spas during the off-season are low, and you can enjoy Greece without being distracted by the sea, shimmering in the sun's rays.

Weather in Greece

It is well known that Greece is beautiful in any season of the year, and a trip to this wonderful country will bring a lot of bright impressions and positive emotions, no matter what month it takes place. The climate in the country is Mediterranean and is characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. In general, the northern and central parts of Greece do not differ much in terms of climate. In mountainous areas, in some places, the snow doesn't melt even in summer. As a resort region, it is better to consider the coast, where the weather is usually favorable for resort recreation.

The swimming season lasts from mid-May to October. During this time, the water is well heated, there is almost no rain. It is the best time for beach rest!

January in Greece

Do you think that the weather in Greece in January is a cloudless clear sky, a warm calm sea, and a hot Mediterranean sun? If you are going to rest in Greece in January, do not even count on any of this list. Although the winter here is relatively mild, the frequent rain and wet melting snow can spoil the whole holiday and recreational experience. Instead of sunscreen and bikinis (or swimsuits), you'll need a warm sweater, a waterproof jacket, and an umbrella.

The weather forecast in Greece in January by European standards is warm. On average, the air gets up to +8 - +10 degrees. In the mountains, of course, the weather is much colder. The temperature is about 0. The warmest in Crete, it can be about +16 degrees. The water temperature is also, by the way, about +16 degrees. In general, the weather in Greece in January is not so attractive for a holiday.

February in Greece

The weather in Greece in February in one word - Βροχές! It means "the rain". On average, the weather forecast in Greece at this time is rainy, and the temperature does not rise above 12 degrees. The weather in Greece is quite changeable, so it is better to take a light jacket, a raincoat, or at least an umbrella for a walk. Sometimes it snows but it quickly melts, leaving only wet puddles, so it's worth taking or buying hiking boots or rubber boots. The water temperature is about +16, so the bravest can try a swim, but it's better to limit your walks to the seashore.

March in Greece

March is the first month of blooms. Temperatures are average, and rainfall is short but frequent. Wildflowers bloom by the 10th of the month, so the country looks especially attractive. On average, the weather in Greece in March is good. The temperature at this time is +15 to +20 degrees, but you should not swim (unless you are a walrus). Usually, people come to Greece in March to experience the Hellenic culture and architecture and to feel the spirit of antiquity. If you want to walk around the Temple of Zeus, the Olympics, or the Acropolis in Athens when there are no crowds of tourists, it makes sense to go on vacation in March.

April in Greece

April is the beginning of two seasons. The first is the shoulder season. The weather forecast in Greece at this time-not hot and moderate temperatures, the water in the sea is warm enough for a short bath, and in the gardens and orchards, there are blooming bushes, trees, and flowers. The second season is the budget season. Both airline tickets and tours to Greece and the cost of services and goods produced by local producers at this time are low. In addition, in April, the main mass of tourists has not yet pulled up, so you do not have to wait your turn at water parks, museums, etc., and in hotels, you can get a good discount on early reservations.

April is the best time to travel around the country as the weather is not yet sultry, and the plants are in full bloom.

May in Greece

Wonderful month! During this time, you can see Greece in all its Mediterranean beauty. Beautiful scenery, blooming flowers, a light, and pleasant climate... The weather forecast for May in Greece is very good! In the middle of May, you can already swim in the sea, though the water is, of course, not as warm as it is in summer. May is one of the most beautiful months in the country. During this time, you can easily go on excursions, admire the historic monuments and ancient monasteries, and spend time on the beach, sunbathing, swimming, and sipping cocktails while lying under the rays of the warm May sun.

June in Greece

Summer comes to Greece with confident steps. The weather forecast for June in Greece: in the middle of the month, the temperature can reach +30; the sea warms up to + 22. The weather in Greece in summer, including in June, is excellent. In any case, there is practically no rain, so the humidity is not high, and the high temperature is relatively easy to endure. In any case, it is easier than in the European climate. In general, the weather in Greece in June will please those who do not like too hot weather and, at the same time, appreciate the warm sea. If you vacation in Crete or other islands, the temperature decreases by a couple of degrees.

To avoid problems, book your tickets and tours in Greece ahead of time; otherwise, you may simply run out of room.

July in Greece

July is hot. The weather forecast for July in Greece: the average temperature is +35 degrees with jumps up to +45 degrees. The best escape from the heat is to get into the sea! However, such hot weather in Greece is observed only in stone Greek cities and rooms without air conditioning, but on the coast, there are sea breezes that reduce the temperature, and some of them can be quite strong and even blow an umbrella off the beach.

August in Greece

The weather in Greece in August is very hot; the air often reaches temperatures of +40, so the country is quite on fire. Take it into account when choosing a resort and hotel. Such factors as low humidity and the sea breeze blowing on the coast somewhat mitigate the heat, so you can escape from the heat on the islands or in hotels by the sea. The weather forecast in Greece in August: the average temperature in the country is +35, in the north, it is slightly colder, and in the south, it is warmer. The water gets warm in August to +27, so you can swim during the day and at night (at night the air cools down to +24). Another typical August problem is overcrowded hotels and high prices for food, services, etc. It can be partially solved by booking tickets and tours to Greece in advance. But there is nothing you can do about the huge lines at museums and ancient ruins.

September in Greece

Autumn is the best time of the year to relax in warm resorts. The weather in Greece in September attracts tourists from all over the world. Also, September is when the shoulder season begins. As expected at this time of year, the temperature is gradually decreasing, including the temperature of the sea. By the end of the month, the weather becomes even cooler, and the wind increases. In the first half of the month, financial changes are visible: there is a decrease in the cost of hotel rooms and, more broadly, in tours to Greece from various countries. So, deciding to go here in September, you can save money and still enjoy the warm vacation.

October in Greece

October in Europe brings rain, slush, and cloudy skies. But is this the case abroad in warm resorts? The shoulder season, which begins in September, continues and enters its heyday. Despite some cooling compared to August, the weather in Greece is still quite attractive. During the day, you can still swim, sunbathe, and indulge in all kinds of beach holidays. But in the evening, the sea cools down, indicating the end of the bathing season.

November in Greece

Is it worth it to go to Greece in November? Staying in Europe is not worth it-the first frosts have already hit, and snow is starting to fall, which means that a long winter is coming. Continuing the trend of all the fall months, the weather forecast in Greece in November looks increasingly cold and rainy most of the time. Precipitation rates are still increasing, so overcast and clear weather alternate as often as day and night. The northern areas especially feel the approach of winter, where you can see a cold snap to +5 at night. Of course, compared with Europe, it is not winter, but it is not a beach season either.

December in Greece

Despite the beginning of winter, when you come to Greece you have to say goodbye to the snow (except for the mountains and ski resorts). Maybe for heat-loving Greeks, this weather is called winter, but for us, it is the middle of autumn. The weather forecast in Greece for December most often looks like this: rain, wind, and cool temperatures reign over most of the state. In particular, heavy precipitation is observed on the islands, while in the north, the snow and stable "minus" are already falling. The weather in Greece is such that the beach season is forgotten, and those seeking such a holiday can be brought to Greece only by chance (or thirst for knowledge). The majority of travelers seek refuge in ski resorts.

Weather in the mountains

Mountains and hills cover more than half of the country. The highest mountain in the country is Mount Olympus (2917 m). The weather in the mountains is very different from the lower regions of Greece. It has an alpine climate: the higher it gets, the colder it is, and the more clouds and rainfall. The weather in the mountains is unpredictable. Many peaks are covered with snow for several months a year. There are several ski resorts. The mountain climate prevails mainly in the high mountain ranges of mainland Greece, but similar weather is also observed in the high mountains of Crete.

The weather on the islands

The Greek islands, where most tourists prefer to vacation, have a Mediterranean climate with long, hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. The beach season begins in May with an average daytime temperature of +20°. The weather in Greece in July and August is considered ideal—during these peak months, the thermometer rarely drops below +22, even at night. Luckily, there are sea breezes that blow in from the north and northwest, bringing cooler temperatures to the islands. From mid-May to mid-September, the climate is very dry, and in July and August, there is no rain at all.

Winter is mild and humid, with temperatures usually ranging from +3 to +12, although they can rise to +20 on a sunny day. December is the rainiest month of the year. During this time, there are often strong storms in the Mediterranean Sea. They bring inclement weather for several days, with strong winds and heavy rain. However, since most of the rain falls in torrential downpours, there may still be many sunny days ahead, and then the winter will be very pleasant and quiet.

Weather on the mainland

Mainland Greece has a slightly different climate than the islands; it is influenced by Europe and has many microclimates due to the influence of the mountains and the prevailing winds. There are more extreme temperatures here compared to the island and coastal regions. For example, the weather in Greece in July is very hot-in Athens the thermometer reaches 40, and once crept as high as 48. The winters here are cold; the temperature can drop below zero, and snow falls in the lowlands, although this is not a common phenomenon.

Weather fluctuations occur throughout mainland Greece; eastern Greece and Athens are much drier, while the north and west have a wetter climate. The north and east of the country have a continental climate with large temperature variations. In the north of the country, the average temperature is usually about 5 degrees cooler than in the coastal areas during winter.

Greece is the best destination to travel all year round!