Palermo No Mafia Tour
Photo 1 Palermo No Mafia Tour
Photo 2 Palermo No Mafia Tour
Photo 3 Palermo No Mafia Tour

Palermo No Mafia Tour, Italy

3 hours
English, Italian

Learn about the Mafia and the civil anti-mafia movement whilst walking through the picturesque historic centre of Palermo. Discover a city that is finally rebelling against the Mafias protection racket.


  • Learn many interesting facts about Mafia

  • Discover the past, present and future of the anti-mafia movement

  • Walk through the streets of Palermo, the city of light and shade


  • A guide

  • Small contribution to the Addiopizzo charitable organization

Not included:

  • Food and drinks

Please note: Tour in French is available every Wednesday and Saturday morning a 10 a.m. - please request.

The Teatro Massimo, the open-air market "Il Capo", Piazza della Memoria (Memorial dedicated to prosecutors and judges killed by the Mafia), Piazza Beati Paoli, the Cathedral, the City Hall, Piazza Magione: every stop is a cause for reflection, a chance to mull over the realities of the Mafia and consider the civic movement against Mafioso power.

Along the tour, you will meet shopkeepers who have said NO to paying the pizzo, who have subscribed to the ethical consumer campaign Pago chi non paga (I pay who does not pay). This campaign is promoted by Addiopizzo to support those that have decided to rebel against the Mafia.

The tour ends at Antica Focacceria San Francesco, one of the oldest restaurants in Palermo, famous for its cibo da strada palermitano (street food of Palermo). Here you will learn about how the owners had the courage to speak out against extortion.

Lunch is not included, but if you decide to stay, you can taste some specialties like, "pane con la milza" (sandwich stuffed with beef spleen and ricotta cheese), "arancine" (rice balls), "panelle" (chickpea fritters), "anelletti al forno" (baked ring-shaped pasta), "involtini di melanzane" (eggplant rolls), "sarde a beccafico" (sardine rolls) and the famous Cannoli.

Free cancellation

Plans are subject to change, and sometimes unexpectedly. So you can cancel your event free of charge 24 hours before the start.
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